The Most Common Pitfalls in DIY Presentation Design and How to Avoid Them?

A women faded up on common pitfalls in DIY Presentation Design

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Are you planning to create a presentation all by yourself? Well, that’s great! But, before you start, let me tell you, there are a lot of pitfalls that you may fall into. Creating a presentation is not just about putting in some images and texts, it’s an art that requires creativity, technical expertise, and experience. As a presentation design agency, we have seen many people fall into the traps of DIY presentations. Therefore, we have decided to share with you the most common pitfalls in DIY presentation design and how to avoid them.

Pitfall 1: Overcrowding the Slides

The most common mistake people make while creating a presentation is trying to fit too much information on a slide. As a result, the slide becomes cluttered and difficult to read. To avoid this pitfall, try to limit the content on each slide. Use images and graphics to support your message. Also, ensure that the font size is big enough to be read easily.

Pitfall 2: Poor Choice of Colors

Colors play a significant role in creating a visually appealing presentation. However, if you choose the wrong colors, it can have a negative impact on your presentation. Avoid using too many colors or contrasting colors that are harsh on the eyes. Instead, choose a color scheme that complements your content.

Pitfall 3: Lack of Consistency

When creating a presentation, it’s essential to maintain consistency in terms of design, colors, and fonts. However, many people fail to do so, resulting in a presentation that looks unprofessional. To avoid this pitfall, create a template that you can use throughout the presentation. Also, make sure to use the same font and color scheme throughout the presentation.

Pitfall 4: Ignoring the Audience

The primary purpose of creating a presentation is to communicate a message to the audience. However, many people forget about the audience and focus on their own needs. To avoid this pitfall, try to put yourself in the audience’s shoes. Think about what they would like to see, what they would like to hear, and what they would like to learn.

Pitfall 5: Poor Quality Images

Images can make or break a presentation. Therefore, it’s crucial to use high-quality images that are relevant to your content. Avoid using low-quality images or images that are pixelated. Also, ensure that the images are not copyrighted and that you have permission to use them.

How to Dodge the DIY Dangers?

Here’s where a sprinkle of professional wisdom comes in handy:

  • For starters, embrace the KISS principle – Keep It Simple, Speaker! Use a single font family, limit your color palette, and remember: less is more.
  • Consistency is your new best friend. Choose a template and stick to it. Your audience will thank you for a coherent visual journey.
  • And when it comes to content, think of your slides as billboards. If you can’t read it at a glance, it’s too much.

Bonus Tips:

Now that you know the most common pitfalls in DIY presentation design, here’s a suggestion for you. If you want to create a presentation that stands out and impresses your audience, consider using a professional presentation design service provider, like Deckez. With our slide design services, we can help you create a presentation that not only looks great but also effectively communicates your message.


Creating a successful presentation requires a combination of creativity, technical expertise, and experience. By avoiding the common pitfalls discussed above and seeking professional help when needed, you can create a presentation that engages and informs your audience.

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